New week, new birthday
4 years today!

Today marks four years since Johan Lundqvist and Agneta Oskarsson, researchers, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala, started BioCell Analytica to make effect-based methods accessible to the water industry. Four exciting years later, we now have seven employees, soon our own analysis laboratory, and nearly 100 customers in Sweden and Denmark.
“It’s so exciting to look back on how everything started and where we are today; now we wonder what can happen in the next four years!” says Johan and Agneta.
We kicked off the celebration last week with cake and now we want to extend a special thank you to those who have cheered us on, supported us, and made this possible!
UIC – Uppsala Innovation Centre
SLU Holding AB
Green Innovation Park
Almi Invest
Saminvest AB
Uppsala universitet Invest AB
Linnéa Capital
Helena Kristersson
Niclas Stjernberg
Henrik Landgren
Thomas Lindgren
Pär Lagerström
Mikael Kemi
Per Bengtsson
Tomas Ekroth
Henrik Gistvall